"The best react course, no doubt you will learn a lot of cool things that the market is asking for right now, this course you develop a real project and in my opinion is one of the most complete I have done so far, so I bought the other instructor courses, as he has great teaching and the videos are short and objective. The Geolocation API defines a high-level interface to location information associated only with the device hosting the implementation. Additionally, if your control element is targeting a single collapsible element i.e. Disabled elements Elements with the disabled attribute arent interactive, meaning users cannot focus, hover, or click them to trigger a tooltip (or popover). is active althoug it is set to false. This is literally a copy paste from this answer, and I use it to clear CSS style that I added with jQuery in a previously executed function. What is jQuery has attribute? addEventListener can add multiple events, whereas with onclick this cannot be done. How can I remove the "disabled" attribute from an HTML input using javascript? It is a menu and when one clicks on each li item I want it to gain the class and all other li items have the class removed. First it was always .attr(), then it was always .prop(), so I came back here updated the answer and made it more accurate.. Then a year later jQuery changed their minds again and I don't even want to keep track of this. This section is non-normative. onclick can be added as an HTML attribute, whereas an addEventListener can only be added within