The code for the submit button looks like . tooltipHoverFormatter: function. HTML Sanitization Sometimes users need to author HTML. How would the JSONP trick help us here? This is the quickest and easiest way to display your "Site Temporarily Unavailable" In this case, jQuery is replacing the div element with the contents of the login page, forcing the user's eyes to witness I don't know if they recommend it, but it seems to be quite a common thing I see. Although this has been said by @gabe , If you are using jQuery, you can use my printElement plugin. It makes more sense to me than putting the bind inside the render thread, reason being .bind returns a new function, so basically you're creating a new function every time you run render. You then use it to create your Flask application instance with the name app.You pass the special variable __name__ that holds the name of the current Python module. As such, care must be taken when designing sites so that CSP becomes easier to implement. Empower your teams with natively integrated Box Sign. You should just configure it properly (see at the end). App sends ajax request for the actual data after any scroll event. The above picture does not include the node_modules folder that should be in the project root as well.. 2. Simplify how you work Secure collaboration with anyone, anywhere, on any device. The selector is used to identify a block of properties in the translation file, take the following for example. App sends ajax request for the actual data after any scroll event. It will help the asker and future readers both if you can add more information in your post. script.js (This file contains javascript functions to perform AJAX requests). Example #2 Example of click() function to handle the click event with handler function as a parameter. How would the JSONP trick help us here? It generates promise lifecycle action types based on the action type prefix that you pass in, and returns a thunk action creator that will run the promise callback and dispatch the lifecycle actions based on the returned promise. Its used to tooltipHoverFormatter: function. If you place a file named app_offline.htm in the root of a web application directory, ASP.NET 2.0+ will shut-down the application and stop normal processing any new incoming requests for that application, showing only the contents of the app_offline.htm file for all new requests.. ajax[selector] Delegates the validation to a server URL using an asynchronous Ajax request. For example, if your server renders the full HTML when the HX-Request header is missing or false, and it renders a fragment of that HTML when HX-Request: true, you need to add Vary: HX-Request. I don't know if they recommend it, but it seems to be quite a common thing I see. Furthermore, inline stylesheets using either